
Johnny Walker

THOR’s Mission is:

“Commitment to our Sailors, Marines and Mariners; keeping the ships and craft they sail in safe, ready and operating forward by providing innovative and vibrant engineering, technical and professional services to advance the readiness, performance and sustainability of America’s defense, homeland security and maritime sea power.”

The core of our mission is simple: providing innovative and vibrant engineering, technical and professional services — to support our Troops! 

How do we make it happen? It all starts with a sense of urgency — the clock is running, to quote the great jazz musician Miles Davis, “Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.” 

Urgency for THOR doesn’t mean frenetic activity, exhausting ourselves, stressed out — it means driving out the complacency — we’re a successful business but success can lead to complacency. In a fast moving and changing world the status quo can create disaster. To effectively support our Troops, we must behave with urgency every day — not to act content, anxious or angry — but with deliberate focus, intent and positive energy.

A true sense of urgency is represented in a powerful desire to move and win now. On a global level, great power competition is back — during the Cold War, we faced a powerful Soviet Union — now America faces similar rising threats, from China, from Russia…along with the regional threats we’ve faced in recent years, the change is here.

To effectively support our Troops to meet this challenge, we must act with urgency every day, behaving with passion, conviction, optimism and a steely determination.

With THOR’s vibrant and innovative products and services, we keep the “main thing the main thing” – in sum, we are “Fleet First!”